Friday, October 30, 2009

How to Build Trust in Social Media Marketing

How much is trust worth? How much is word-of-mouth worth? We know that people don't trust TV ads like they used to. And, journalism gets murkier by the minute. So, how can you still reach people and build trust?

Nielsen surveyed over 250,000 internet consumers from 50 countries and found:
  • Recommendations from personal acquaintances or opinions posted by consumers online are the most trusted forms of advertising.
  • 90% or consumers surveyed noted that they trust recommendations from people they know.
  • 70% trusted consumer opinions posted online.
These numbers are staggeringly positive! At the heart of social media marketing is "trust" marketing. How do you cultivate this? How do you showcase it? How do you help your biggest fans amplify it?

What can you do starting this week to cultivate trust online?
  • Showcase your latest case study on Facebook. Tell a story!
  • Ask your Client/Customer base to Tell a Friend about your Website. Give them a pair of movie tickets as a way of saying thanks.
  • Put a rating system in place for your products. Let the fans attract the business.
  • Invite key bloggers in your industry to experience your product/service.

Keep an ongoing list of ways you can build trust online, and leverage your current network whenever possible. Just be sure to give back. It always comes full circle.

Hope you have found this article helpful. Please feel free to leave me a comment.

To Your Success,

Chad Timothy
Chad Timothy's 500K Instant Cash Flow System

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    A good post on How to Build Trust in Social Media Marketing . We are VA4World a virtual assistant firm who provide admin support service for SME’s all over the world. We would like to hear your feedback.

    Sridhar – VA4World for viral marketing, SEO and admin support
